Play Therapists
Play therapists on the ward provide a play service for all inpatient children in the unit.
The ward has a play room and play therapists who are specially trained to help children with any anxieties they may have about being in hospital. They can help children understand their illness and why they need to take medication.
The play therapist can also support you and help to distract your child should they need an invasive procedure. Including blood tests, or a change of dressing. Please ask for the support of a play therapist if you think they may help limit the distress your child may feel.
We try where possible to encourage children who are able to be out of bed to come and play in the playroom. If your child is restricted to their bed, activities can be brought to them. We have a large selection of toys, games consoles and creative activities for all age groups.
Brothers and sisters may use the playroom and outside play area if they are supervised by a parent or carer.
Last Modified: 12:57pm 19/11/2018