Child Protection Medical

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Information for parents/carers of children or young people who are attending for a Child Protection Medical.

Child Protection Medical
Children’s Social Care / Police have requested that your child should be medically examined because of a concern about abuse or neglect.
You and your child will be invited to attend our Paediatric Assessment Unit for the examination to be carried out. Please be aware that sick children are referred to the same area for assessment and may need to be seen before your child. The Doctor examining your Child will ask you for your written consent to perform the Child Protection Medical.

If you do not wish to consent, we may then go through the legal system to obtain consent from a judge. The police officer and/ or social worker will liaise with the doctor first to ensure that
background information is shared. This is information around why they consider it is necessary to have a child protection medical performed on your child. You will be asked about your child’s medical history, their birth, early development, immunisations, behaviour, and progress at school. Questions are often asked about bladder and bowel functions, sleeping habits and appetite. A detailed family history will also be asked for.

To begin with your child is weighed and measured and then examined from top to toe. Any injuries will be noted, measured, and drawn on a body map. Police photographs may be requested. Blood tests may be required and the need for this will be discussed with you. The findings of the examination will be discussed with the police/ social worker and if appropriate explained to you and your child.

Following the examination, the doctors will produce a medical report which will be sent to the police/ social worker and may be produced as evidence in court. The medical examination is designed to collect evidence and not necessarily to offer treatment. However, if during the examination a health need is identified the doctor will either give you advice or make arrangements for this need to be met. Your GP and Heath Visitor/ School Nurse will also be informed that a medical examination has taken place.

If you have any questions, please speak to the doctor examining your child. We acknowledge this can be an upsetting experience for patients and carers and will endeavour to ensure that it is carried out in a caring and compassionate manner.

If you have any queries or concern following the completion of the Child Protection Medical.
Contact either:
Milton Keynes Hospital
PALS Office: 01908 996156
Children’s Social Care
MASH: 01908 235169