Governors & Members

Governors and members of Milton Keynes University Hospital play an important role in how the Trust is run and help shape the future of healthcare in MK and beyond.

Click here to find out who your governor is.


MKUH has more than 5,400 members (made up of over 2,400 members of the public and over 3,000 staff), who help to tailor services to the changing needs of the community, work to improve patient experience and help develop the future of MKUH and the healthcare community.

Anyone who lives in the public governor constituency areas covered by MKUH can apply to become a member.

Signing up is free, and benefits include NHS discount; more opportunities to attend membership events and participate in service improvement initiatives and surveys; and voting for your local hospital Governor and even standing as a Governor in elections. Only residents of Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire are eligible for MKUH membership.


  • Are invited to Council of Governors’ meetings, Annual Members’ Meetings and other special events
  • Offer ideas or raise concerns with governors
  • Influence the development of the Trust and its services via the governors
  • Vote to elect governors who involve patients, families and the public in working to do things better

It is completely up to individual members as to how involved they want to be, and we value any input citizens can offer.

If you would like to become a member, please complete the form.

There is a Membership & Engagement Strategy which you can view by clicking here.

If you require further information, please email [email protected]

Council of Governors

Our Council of Governors (CoG) is made up of representatives from public and staff constituents, and stakeholder and partner organisations.

What do Governors do?

  • Listen to people’s views about the hospital and represent them on the CoG
  • Provide opportunities for people to talk with them eg stalls, events, individual contact opportunities
  • Hold the Trust’s Non-Executive Directors to account

Governors provide a vital link between members of the public, hospital staff and the Trust Board, ensuring that the ideas, feedback and concerns of local people are listened to and taken forward. Their role is key in ensuring the Trust makes continuous improvement and meets the needs of the people that use local services.

The CoG:

  • Works with the Trust so its long-term plans match the needs of the local population, and influences proposals to make changes to services
  • Works with the Board of Directors to ensure that the Trust fully understands the needs of the local community
  • Represents the views of the wider membership
  • Appoints the Chair and other Non-Executive Directors

MKUH is a Foundation Trust (FT), meaning it has a greater say in the care it provides and the way it spends its money. Being a FT means the Board of Directors is accountable directly to its members through the Council of Governors (CoG).

The Council of Governors meets formally with the hospital’s Trust Board four times a year. In between, informal meetings are held. We see the council as our critical friend and guardian of our values. Collectively and individually its role is vital as it acts as a link to the hospital community by:

  • Involving members directly in our long term vision and planning
  • Supervising public involvement, membership recruitment and engagement

Click here to find out who your governor is.

The council also has specific powers and holds the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board of Directors. Its duties include:

  • Appointing and setting the pay and terms and conditions of appointment of the Trust Chair and Non-Executive Directors
  • Ratifying the appointment of the Chief Executive
  • Appointing the auditors and receiving the annual report and accounts

The Chair of the Council of Governors plays a pivotal role as they are also the chair of the Board of Directors.

The Trust remains part of the NHS and is regulated by the same public bodies – NHS Improvement and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).