Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Milton Keynes is a multicultural and diverse community. MKUH is committed to providing services that meet each individual’s needs. Treating everyone with the compassion and respect they deserve.

We want to encourage our staff, patients and visitors to foster an environment that is free from discrimination. Our vision and values act as principles to guide us in our thinking and actions. Our equality objectives serve to promote these standards.

Equality and Diversity Reports

The Trust is required to publish annual information that demonstrates its compliance with the Equality Duty as defined by the Equality Act 2010. This means that the Trust must demonstrate that it has given due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between employees who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations between employees who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission recognises that the Global Pandemic has presented us with some unprecedented challenges and therefore the requirement for Reporting has been extended.

The EHRC has informed NHS England and NHS Improvement that NHS organisations will have the option to defer the publication of information and equality objectives, to comply with the Specific Equality Duties, until no later than 5th October 2021. The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) remains fully in force and the EHRC on their website makes this clear.

Equality and Diversity Reports

Equality Delivery System Report

Gender Pay Gap Report

NHS Workforce Equality Standards

The NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) and the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) are designed to improve workplace experience and career opportunities for disabled people and for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BME / BAME) people respectively working for or seeking employment within the NHS. The WDES follows the WRES as a tool and an enabler of change.

The Workforce Equality Standards are a series of evidence-based Indicators (Race) and Metrics (Disability) that will provide NHS organisations with a snapshot of the experiences of their disabled staff and BME staff in key areas. By providing comparative data between disabled and non-disabled staff and between BME and White staff, this information can be used to understand where key differences lie and will provide the basis for the development of action plans, enabling the organisation to track progress on a year by year basis.

In order to comply with the requirements of the Workforce Equality Standards, NHS organisations are expected to develop an action plan with measures and practices that positively support disability equality in the workplace. The expectation is that Trusts will work with the relevant affected staff groups and communities to co-produce appropriate actions to help improve disability equality and stakeholder involvement and engagement is central to this.

We believe that by implementing the actions outlined in the WDES and WRES action plans we will ensure MKUH is positioned to improve the experiences of disabled and BME staff within the organisation and enable the Trust to comply with NHS WDES Metrics and WRES Indicators and support our legal compliance.

Our Workforce Board will provide leadership and assurance to the Workforce & Development Assurance Committee on a quarterly basis of the progress being made with the action plans.

Workforce Race Equality Standard WRES

The WRES enables organisations to assess whether their workforce reflects the diversity of the populations they serve in terms of race equality.

The WRES Action Plan 2020 provides the Trust with assurance of compliance with the mandatory WRES reporting regulations set out by NHS England.

We have now developed our WRES Action Plan as required by NHS England to drive our performance forward. The MKUH BAME Staff Network have been consulted with and endorsed the associated action plan below. The Workforce & Development Assurance Committee have endorsed and ratified the action plan on behalf of the Trust Board.

The plan sets out the key actions to be taken by the Trust to address the gaps in experience between Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff in comparison to White staff based on our WRES data submission. This action plan details how MKUH will achieve an improvement on the experiences of BAME staff working co-productively with our MKUH BAME Staff Network to become an anti-racist organisation.

Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) Report

Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES)

The WDES enables organisations to assess whether their workforce reflects the diversity of the populations they serve in terms of disability equality.

The WDES Action Plan 2020 provides the Trust with assurance of compliance with the mandatory WDES reporting regulations set out by NHS England.

We have now developed our WDES Action Plan as required by NHS England to drive our performance forward. The MKUH Disability Staff Network have been consulted and endorsed the associated action plan below. The Workforce & Development Assurance Committee have endorsed and ratified the action plan on behalf of the Trust Board.

Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) Report

Disability Confident Employer

We have signed up to be a Disability Confident Employer to support our disability equality ambitions and have committed to the following:

  • Actively attracting and recruiting disabled people to help fill our opportunities
  • Providing a fully inclusive and accessible recruitment process
  • Offering an interview to disabled people who meet the minimum criteria for the job
  • Being flexible when assessing people so disabled job applicants have the best opportunity to demonstrate that they can do the job
  • Proactively offer and make reasonable adjustments as required

You may find out more about Disability Confident

MKUH Anti-Racism Pledge

At MKUH we take a stand against racism. We are committed to the promotion of equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace and the services we provide to our patients and service users.

As part of our stand against racism:

  • We acknowledge the existence of racism and the negative impact it has on society
  • We stand with our staff, patients, volunteers, and community members in the fight against racism and pledge to challenge racist behaviours
  • We aim to be an inclusive organisation for all who work here and all who access our services

Our commitment to the promotion of equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging is defined by seven key principles:

  1. We acknowledge that institutional racism exists in the NHS.
  2. We will make sure key decision-making teams include people from a diverse background and their work is credited.
  3. We will actively make systems and processes more equitable by opening paths of opportunity to those affected by racism.
  4. We will be open to experiences that challenge your world view of racism and inequity.
  5. We will provide high quality learning and development opportunities on race, racism, allyship, and being anti-racist.
  6. We will review our policies to reflect our anti-racist stance.
  7. We will take action to address the lack of representation.

For further information please contact:

  • Thomas Dunckley – Head of HR Business Partnering
  • Louise Clayton – Deputy Director of HR
  • EDI email: [email protected]