Professional Midwifery Advocates
As Professional Midwifery Advocates (PMA) we believe that you and your family deserve the best possible care that maternity services can offer.
By listening to you and supporting the choices you make, we aim to ensure that the maternity care we provide is individualised and responsive to your needs. The Professional Midwifery Advocate team help midwives by supporting their practice and professional development through NHS England’s (2017) A-EQUIP (Advocating for Education and QUality ImProvement) model of clinical supervision.
This model of supervision supports and values midwives, builds their personal and professional resilience and contributes to the provision of high-quality maternity care.
Who are PMAs
We are a team of experienced practicing midwives who have undertaken additional training and are employed by Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust.
Our team of Professional Midwifery Advocates consist of Lead PMA Catherine Crossan, and sessional PMAs Janice Styles,
Tracy Rea, Jill Boynton, Georgena Leroux, Lila Ravel, Elizabeth Payne, Jennie Roberts, and Joanna Boland.
What is the role of a PMA?
To maintain and develop safe practice, by supporting the wellbeing and professional development of midwives, women, birthing people, and their families.
How can a Professional Midwifery Advocate help to you as a member of staff?
- Providing support and encouraging reflection through restorative clinical supervision (group or one-to-one) to develop practice and facilitate the improvement of maternity services and job satisfaction.
- Support with preparing for appraisals and revalidation.
- Signposting to supportive and developmental resources.
- Providing a psychologically safe and confidential space to discuss any personal or professional concerns.
How can a Professional Midwifery Advocate help you as a maternity service user?
- Supporting your midwife to advocate for you in your birth preferences. If you would like further support with your birth preferences and options please see our consultant midwives page where you can request a referral.
- Listen to any concerns and questions you may have about your birth and maternity care and aim to offer clarity and reassurance through birth reflections
- If you would like to reflect on your birth experience, a PMA, or other qualified healthcare professional, can discuss your experience with you. This is facilitated through Birth Reflections clinics which are held weekly on Friday afternoons in the outpatient’s clinic, we also have one clinic a month on a Wednesday afternoon. It is also possible to facilitate virtual or telephone appointments if you feel this would be easier for you.
Birth Reflections
The Birth Reflections service provides an opportunity to explore your birth experience with a qualified healthcare professional. You will be seen be a qualified midwife who will be able to go through your notes with you and aim to answer any questions you may have. Whilst we can show you your notes, we are unable to provide copies of them, to request a copy of you notes please follow the instructions on this link – Access to Health Records – Milton Keynes University Hospital (
If you would like to speak to someone outside of the maternity department about your experience, you can do this through the Patient Advice and Liaison Service – Milton Keynes University Hospital (
To request a birth reflections appointment, please fill out the self-referral form below. You will be sent a letter in the post with your appointment date and time. If you cannot make your appointment, please contact switchboard, and ask for the PMA of the week and we will reschedule, alternatively you can contact the birth reflections team on [email protected] alternatively you can contact switchboard and ask for the PMA on-call and we will reschedule.
If you have any feedback on our birth reflections service we encourage you to fill in this form, we welcome all feedback.
How do I contact a PMA?
- Monday – Friday 8-4pm on 01908 660033 ask for the on-call PMA
- At night contact the lead midwife on-call
- Email: [email protected]
- Feeling your baby move
- Corticosteriods in pregnancy
- Birthing partners staying overnight
- Gestational Diabetes mellitus
- Assisted vaginal birth (ventouse or forceps)
- Meet the Maternity Team
- Staying comfortable during labour
- Epidural – Your Choice
- TB, BCG and your baby
- Screening tests for you and your baby (STFYAYB)
- Perinatal Mental Health
- Breech Presentation – What are your choices?
- Reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia – Information for women taking aspirin in pregnancy
- Down’s, Edward’s & Patau’s syndromes screening
- Monitoring your Baby’s Heartbeat in Labour
- Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme Handbook
- The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)
- Illness in newborn babies
- Planning your birth
- Coronavirus: Parent information for newborn babies
- Use of water in labour and birth
- Postnatal Community Care
- HIV and Pregnancy – You and Your Baby
- GDm-Health
- Caring for your wound after having a caesarean section
- Outpatient Induction of Labour
- Induction of Labour
- Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Pregnancy
- Newborn Feeding Policy Summary
- Perineal Care
- Feeding your baby during a hospital admission
- Antenatal Day Assessment Unit (ADAU)
- NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme
- Blood Groups and Red Cell Antibodies in Pregnancy
- Birth Reflections
- Understanding why your baby died
- Gestational diabetes using the GDmHealth App
- Pregnancy information for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
- Vitamin K for Newborn Babies
- Pethidine Injection for homebirths
- Loss of Your Baby – Neonatal – Guidance for parents
- Late Miscarriage or Termination of Pregnancy for Medical Reasons – Guidance for parents
- Stillbirth or Termination of Pregnancy (over 24 weeks) – Guidance for parents
- Tongue Tie Division to Improve Breastfeeding
- How to take your blood pressure at home using an upper arm monitor
- Suspected Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnant Women
- Antenatal Colostrum Collection
- A guide to starting insulin for women with gestational diabetes
- Early pregnancy scan
- Anomaly Scan Information
- Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy Advice and Exercise
- Home birth at MKUH
Neonatal Unit
Pain Management
Last Modified: 10:02am 10/07/2024