Antenatal Day Assessment Unit (ADAU)
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ADAU – 01908 996481
What is Antenatal Day Assessment Unit?
Antenatal Day Assessment Unit (ADAU) is a small unit dedicated to assessing and monitoring the health of mother and baby/babies. You can phone ADAU for pregnancy advice from 18 weeks gestation and if appropriate you will be advised to come in.
If you are below 18 weeks please contact your GP or emergency department (ED). The unit is run by experienced midwives and maternity support workers. You may also be seen by a doctor. The majority of women are discharged home with a plan of care- this may involve community midwife, GP, or hospital attendance but this will be discussed prior to you leaving the unit. A small number of women require admission to hospital.
Where is ADAU and what are the opening times?
Enter through the main entrance. ADAU is situated in the purple zone on the left next to Labour ward. It is open every day of the year between 07.30 and 20.00 hours. Tel 01908 996481. Out of these hours please contact Labour Ward on 01908 996478. When calling ADAU a midwife will take a history and ask questions to enable her to provide the best advice. If an appointment in ADAU is required, you will be given a time to attend. If you think you are in labour please contact Labour Ward on the above number.
What/Who shall I bring with me?
Please bring any antenatal notes and scan reports that you may have. We will ask you for a urine sample when you arrive.
We advise that you organise childcare if possible, and if you wish to be accompanied that you just have 1 person with you as our space is limited.
What are the reasons that I may need to attend ADAU?
There are many possible reasons but may include:
• Reduced baby movements.
• Concerns about your baby’s heartbeat.
• Steroid injections.
• Itchy skin.
• Raised blood pressure.
• Ultrasound scan review.
• Your waters break.
• Administering an iron infusion.
• Outpatient induction of labour.
What will happen to me and how long will I be there for?
A midwife will see you as soon as possible and discuss the reason you are attending ADAU. Depending on the reason for your attendance the tests and procedures may include a cardiotocograph (CTG) which is a tracing of the baby’s heartbeat to check wellbeing.
The length of time you will be here will depend on what assessments and tests are required. You may also need to be seen by a doctor. The staff in ADAU will make your visit as short and pleasant as possible. They will keep you up to date if there are any delays.