Antenatal and Newborn screening team

The screening team are available to support you during your pregnancy and after your baby is born with national screening programmes. The screening midwives work closely with the doctors who specialise in obstetrics (pregnancy) to offer you support and screening advice.  Your community midwife will discuss these screening programmes with you and will refer you for additional care and support from the screening team if needed. We facilitate fetal medicine clinics with a link consultant in obstetrics and fetal medicine from Oxford University Hospitals.

Screening in pregnancy

As part of your antenatal care, you will be offered various tests to check on the health of your developing baby and for conditions that may affect you or your baby. It is important you book for antenatal care as early as possible in your pregnancy, this will help you get these tests at the appropriate time, and benefit from other care for you and your baby.

Screening tests are used to find people who have a higher chance of experiencing a health problem during their pregnancy. This means they can get earlier, potentially more effective treatment, or make informed decisions about their health.

Screening tests are not perfect. Some people will be told that they or their baby have a high chance of having a health problem when in fact they do not. Also, a few people will be told that they or their baby have a low chance of having a health problem when in fact they do.

Screening for your baby

Your baby will be offered some screening tests in their first six to eight weeks. Most babies are healthy and will not have any of the conditions the screening tests are looking for. However, for the babies who have a health problem, the benefits of screening can be enormous. Early treatment can improve their health and prevent severe disability or even death. The screening tests are quick and simple and will not harm your baby in any way. It is recommended that your baby has the screening tests, but you can decline them if you wish.

Screening is always a choice and you should be able to access the information you need to help you make a decision about the offer of screening.

Please click the links below to help you understand the screening tests available for you and your baby. The information is also available in other languages.

BCG vaccination

We offer BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination to protect your baby against tuberculosis (TB). If your baby is eligible you will be given an appointment when you are discharged from hospital, or if you had your baby at home, your midwife will arrange an appointment for your baby. For more information about BCG vaccination please click on the link below:

The leaflet also available in other languages.

Last Modified: 12:50pm 14/10/2022