Pregnancy information for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
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This leaflet is for women who have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and are planning a pregnancy or have recently found that they are pregnant.
Good blood glucose control before and during pregnancy is important and can reduce the risk of complications for both women and babies. In order to ensure that your blood glucose control is as good as it can be by the time you become pregnant, you should continue to use effective contraception until you are ready to start your family. The following is a list of things to do before you become pregnant (or straight away if you are already pregnant):
• Stop smoking
• Reduce/stop your alcohol intake
• If you need to lose weight or improve your diet ask your GP or the Diabetes Team for a referral to a dietitian
• See your GP for a medication review
• Start 5mg of folic acid (from your GP)
• Your GP will also arrange for you to have eye and kidney checks and will advise you to improve your HbA1c (long term glucose control) level if it is too high
• Start monitoring your blood glucose at home
Once you are pregnant contact the Diabetes Specialist Nurse/Diabetes Lead Midwife (details below) or ask your GP to refer you to them as soon as possible. They will then support you throughout the rest of your pregnancy to ensure that your glucose control is as good it can be in order to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.
Useful contact numbers:
Diabetes Lead Midwife Tel 01908 995237 Email [email protected]
Diabetes Specialist Nurse Tel 01908 995967 Email [email protected]
Antenatal Clinic Tel 01908 995238 Email [email protected]
Antenatal Day Assessment Unit Tel 01908 996481
Labour Ward Tel 01908 996478
Useful websites for information about diabetes in pregnancy:
Diabetes UK:
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence:
NHS Choices:
Milton Keynes University Hospital: