Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)

The MVP is a group of people with a shared interest in our local maternity care provision and it includes maternity service users (parents and parent representatives) and providers (those working in the service).

We advise the maternity commissioner from the Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (MK CCG) on how our maternity services should be run. Our aim is to bring the voice of the maternity service user to the centre of discussions, taking into consideration how maternity services are working for local parents and how the service can be developed to better meet the needs of these people.

We are a multi-disciplinary team, bringing a wealth and breadth of knowledge, experience and perspectives to our work. We are independent of the NHS, we are chaired by a maternity service user representative, and at least one third of our core membership is parent representatives.

Our vision

To work as an effective, collaborative and dynamic committee of maternity service users, providers and commissioners seeking to ensure that:

  • the wishes, choices and unique physiological, emotional and psychological needs of local parents and their babies are placed at the centre of our local maternity services
  • our local maternity services are of the highest quality and can be fully accessed by all that need them
  • local parents know about MaternityMK, feel welcome to join, and are aware of how they can become involved

For more information, questions or support please email [email protected]

You can also access information on our website:

Read about the MKUH and MVP co-production plan here.



