The Optometry department see patients of all ages, but focus mainly on young children and the elderly.
Orthoptists within the Ophthalmology department investigate, diagnose and treat patients with squints and other defects of binocular single vision. These may be congenital, acquired or associated with reduced vision.
Patients of all ages with abnormal eye movements are also assessed and managed by the Ophthalmology department. Causes of these are varied but include neurological conditions, trauma or diseases affecting the muscles surrounding the eye. Orthopists may treat patients with prisms, eye exercises or patches. Some patients may experience diplopia – double vision – and may have difficulty performing daily tasks.
Children with Amblyopia – a lazy eye – may be treated with glasses, patching or atropine eye drops.
Specialist services
Stroke Ward – Orthoptists will visit ward 7, helping patients with visual disturbances following a stroke.
Children with special education needs – Milton Keynes has an orthoptic-led vision screening program for all children aged 4 to 5 years. This is run by the Community School Nursing Service. Referrals are made into dedicated hospital orthoptic and optometry clinics which are run by experience staff and include adaptations to meet the needs of individual patients.
Paediatric ECLO Service – This provides specialist assessments for children with severe visual impairments and offers advice to parents, carers and teachers.
- Squint information sheet
- Registered Sight Impaired
- Registered Severely Sight Impaired
- Fluorescein Angiography
- Occlusion Treatment (Eye Patching)
- Cataract surgery For Patients who have had previous refractive Corneal Surgery
- Intravitreal Injection
- How to use your eye drops
- Dispensing Bifocals to Children
- AREDS 2 trial of vitamins and minerals for macular degeneration
- After Care: Intravitreal Injection
- Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG)
- Ocular hypertension
- Glaucoma and Your Relatives
- Driving with Glaucoma
- Glaucoma – A guide
- Glaucoma – Eye drops and dispensing aids
- Obtaining Children’s Glasses
- Macular Laser Treatment
- Glasses Information Sheet
- Laser Iridotomies
- Strabismus (Squint) Surgery
- Use of Cyclopentolate Eye Drops
- Vision Advice for Children
- Macular Hole
- Glaucoma and Trabeculectomy
- Discharge Information Sheet
- Children’s Eye Clinic appointments
- Vision checks at School for the rising 5’s
- You child’s eyes – Vision Information for Pre-School Children
- Reading Medicines Information Leaflets
- Facial Nerve Paralysis
- Blepharitis
- Stand Magnifiers for Home Use
- Surgery for a watery eye (Lacrimal surgery)
- Intravitreal Injection
- Illuminated Magnifiers for Home Use
- Information For Hand-Magnifier Users
- Intravitreal Injection After Care
- Adult Age Related Ptosis
- High Power Spectacles for Home Use
- Floater, Flashes and Vitreous Separation
- Convergence Insufficiency Exercises
- Blepharoplasty (Lid Surgery)
- Botulinum toxin treatment for squint / double vision
- Trabeculectomy information
Last Modified: 9:24am 22/01/2019