How to use your eye drops
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1. Read the instructions on the label and treat only the eye stated. If you are given a different bottle for each eye, use the correct bottle.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Tilt your head backwards and look towards the ceiling.
4. Gently pull down the lower lid.
5. Place prescribed number of drops between the lower lid and the eye (see illustration below).
6. Close the eye.
7. Wipe away any excess solution from around the eye (and not the eye itself) with a clean tissue. Use a clean tissue for each eye.
Your eyedrops are sterile until first opened. To keep them in good condition during use, follow these simple rules:
1. When not in use keep the bottle closed, upright and in a cool dark place.
2. If dropper is separate, do not place it on any surface. Do not breathe on to it, or into the eyedrops.
3. Do not share the eyedrops or dropper with anyone else.
4. Throw away the eyedrops no later than 4 weeks after first opening (less if stated on the label). Write the date that you first open the bottle on the label to help you remember.
Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.