Discharge Information Sheet
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This leaflet contains some general eye information which you may find helpful. Your child has been discharged from Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
The Orthoptist, Hospital Optometrist or Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) has advised that your child should have:
• Regular glasses tests done by a local Optometrist /Optician annually
• Glasses need to be worn: full time / close work /not applicable
Next glasses test due:
Q Do I have to pay for the Optometrist eye test?
A No. All children up to the age of 16 years (or 19 if still in full time education) are entitled to free eye tests.
Q Am I still entitled to a free voucher towards the cost of my child’s glasses?
A Yes. All children who are entitled to a free eye test qualify for a spectacle voucher.
Q Which Optometrist should we use?
A Any registered Optometrist. You need to contact them directly to make the appointment.
Q What should I do if my child’s glasses break?
A You need to return to the Optician who gave you the glasses. They may wish to carry out another refraction (test for glasses) before issuing further glasses.
Q Do I have to get the new glasses from the same Optician who did the eye test?
A No. You can choose to have the glasses made at any Opticians, but you need to have a voucher issued after the eye test.
Q What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s squint or vision?
A You need to take them to see your local community Optometrist and if they consider that there are problems they will refer you back to the Eye Department in the hospital.
Orthoptic report
Visual Acuity (with/without glasses)
Cover Test
Binocular tests
Last refraction Date:
For further information contact:
Orthoptic Department
Eye Clinic
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Tel: (01908) 995532