Vision checks at School for the rising 5’s
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Children attending a state school have their vision checked by the School Nurse Team during their first year at school.
There are no further routine assessments of children’s vision in school after this. Your child has passed this test but visual problems may develop over time. It is therefore important to arrange routine, regular annual eye tests for them with a community Optometrist.
Q Do I have to pay for the Optometrist eye test?
A. No. All children up to the age of 16 years (or 19 years if in fulltime education) are entitled to free eye tests.
Q Which Optometrist should we use?
A. Any Optometrist in the Community (High Street). You need to contact them directly and you should check that they are happy to see children.
Q What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s vision?
A. You need to take them to see an Optometrist and if they consider there to be any significant problems they may decide to refer them to the Eye Department in the hospital.
When to see the Doctor (GP)
If your child has any of the following they should be seen by your family doctor:
– Eye infection
– Eye injury (may need to go to A&E)
– Styes / cysts (lumps & bumps on their eyelids)
Contact for further information: School Nurse Team ……………..