HR Disclosure Log 2024

  1. Agency & Bank Staff Spend Response 339
  2. Agency and Bank Staff Spend Response 339 - Attachment
  3. Agency Workforce Spend Response 019
  4. Agency Workforce Spend Response 021
  5. Allied Health Professionals Job Planning Response 230
  6. Bank Staff Response 128
  7. Capital Staffing Response 297
  8. Children’s Nursing Response 091
  9. Clinical In-Sourcing Providers Response 156
  10. Clinical Insourcing Response 017
  11. Clinical Insourcing Response 017 - Attachment
  12. Complaints about EDI Policies Response 321
  13. Communications & Public Relations Spend Response 036
  14. Communications & Public Relations Spend Response Attachment 036
  15. Disciplinaries Response 157
  16. Doctors and Nurses from Overseas Response 255
  17. Education and Training Response 054
  18. Financial Spend of Agency Staff Response 071
  19. Gender Reassignment and Transgender Guidance and Policies Response 410
  20. Health Board utilised Thornbury Nursing Services Response 005
  21. Healthcare Science Workforce Response 093
  22. Healthcare Science Workforce Response 093 - Attachment
  23. Histology Reporting Response 322
  24. Histology Reporting Response 322 - Attachment
  25. Homelessness Response 182
  26. International Recruitment Programme Response 312
  27. International Medical Graduates Response 185
  28. International Medical Graduates Response 185 Attachment
  29. International Recruitment Response 316
  30. Job Titles Response 318
  31. Junior Doctors Sick Leave Response 117
  32. Learning Disability Liaison Services Response 072
  33. Locally Employed Doctors Response 048
  34. Locally Employed Doctors Response 048 Attachment
  35. Medical Associate Professionals Response 387
  36. MHPS Procedure Response 355
  37. Microbiology Services Response 203
  38. NHS Agency Workers Response 226
  39. NHS Staff Training Response 031
  40. NHS Agency Workers Response 226
  41. NHS Agency Rules Response 351
  42. NHS Staff Absence Rates Response 389
  43. Nursing Agencies Response 035
  44. Off-Framework Agency Spend Response 260
  45. Nursing, Locums, AHP, NMNC and Facilities Agency Response 015
  46. Nursing, Locums, AHP, NMNC and Facilities Agency Response 015 - Attachment
  47. On & Off Framework Nursing agency usage Response 012
  48. Permit to Work in the NHS Response 113
  49. Pharmacist Staffing Response 126
  50. Recruiting AHP and HSS Response 043
  51. Sexual Assault Response 073
  52. Sexual Safety Incidents patients aged 60+Response 392
  53. Shifts Utilised Agency for in Paediatrics and Midwifery Response 195
  54. Special Leave Policy Response 204
  55. Special Leave Policy - Attachment 204
  56. Sterile Service Agency Response 189
  57. Strike Derogations Response 024
  58. Registered Allied Health Professionals Response 359
  59. Registered Allied Health Professionals Response 359 - Attachment
  60. Temporary Staffing Workforce Systems Response 248
  61. Thornbury Nursing Services Response 057
  62. Thornbury Nursing Services Response 179
  63. Total Framework Agency Spend Response 343
  64. Total Headcount of Consultant Response 058
  65. Total Headcount of Consultant Response 058 -Attachment
  66. Unconscious Bias Training Response 147
  67. Undergraduate Medical Education Funding Response 159
  68. Violence Against Healthcare Workers Response 082
  69. Violent Behaviour Response 084
  70. Workplace Conduct Response 062
  71. Working Abroad Response 160