HR Disclosure Log 2021

  1. Agency Band 5 Nurse Rate Response 5790
  2. Agency Doctors Response 5813
  3. Agency Framework Response 5630
  4. Agency Nurse Rates Response 5688
  5. Agency Spend Response 7069
  6. Agency Spend NHSIE Staff Response 5762
  7. Bank and Agency Staffing Response 5965
  8. Celebration of Pride Response 5961
  9. Chief of Staff Response 5957
  10. Clinical Coding Staff Response 5607
  11. Direct Engagement Response 5671
  12. Doctors Disciplinary Cases Response 5680
  13. Equality and Diversity Policies Response 7020
  14. Exec Representative for Staff HWB Response 5836
  15. FOI Team Response 7019
  16. Framework, Off-Framework and Direct Engagement Agencies Response 7104
  17. FTE Vacancy and Spending Response 7107
  18. FTE Vacancy and Spending Response 7107 attachment
  19. Gender Recognition Certificate Response 5650
  20. Highest and Lowest Agency Pay Response 5596
  21. HR Funding for Systems Response 7062
  22. International Nurse Recruitment Response 7112
  23. International Recruitment Response 5859
  24. Lead for Procurement and Temporary Staffing Response 7186
  25. Litigation-Legal Response 5689
  26. Locum and Staffing Agencies Response 5717
  27. Medic Appraisal Software Response 7009
  28. Medical Appraisal & Revalidation Software Response 7012
  29. Nursing Staff Resigned Response 7178
  30. Occupational Health Outsourcing Response 5761
  31. Occupational Health Outsourcing Response 5761 attachment
  32. Off-Framework Agency Response 5748
  33. Off-Framework Agencies & Shifts Response 5936
  34. Over Capped Rates Response 5954
  35. Over Capped Rates Response 5954 attachment
  36. Paediatric Diabetes Staff Response 7078
  37. Patient Safety Specialists Response 5768
  38. Payroll System for Bank-Temporary Staff Response 5632
  39. Pharmacists Ethnicity Response 7113
  40. Physical Assault & Injury Response 5894
  41. Pregnant Theatre Staff in Orthopaedics Response 7075
  42. Pregnant Theatre Staff in Orthopaedics Response 7075 attachment
  43. Pregnant Theatre Staff in Orthopaedics Response 7075 attachment 2
  44. Prosthetic and Orthotic Student Placement Response 5969
  45. Quality Improvement in MKUH Response 5741
  46. Race Related Grievances by Staff Response 5850
  47. Racist Behaviour Response 5721
  48. Recruitment Advertising Spend Response 7111
  49. Recruitment and Retention Premia Response 7048
  50. Rostering Software Response 7011
  51. Rota Software Response 5888
  52. Security Officers Response 5953
  53. Settlement Agreements Response 5962
  54. Sexual Harassment Against Catering Staff Response 7191
  55. Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Training Response 7193
  56. Sexual Orientation Response 5922
  57. Specialist Diabetes Pharmacist Response 5637
  58. Staff for Jury Duty Response 5864
  59. Staff Numbers and Absences Response 5789
  60. Staff Sickness Response 5674
  61. Staff Spend Response 5897
  62. Staff Spend Response 5897 attachment
  63. Staffing Systems Response 7130
  64. Staffing System Response 7130 attachment
  65. Stonewall Diversity Champion Response 5841
  66. Structured English Language Reference Response 7038 (002)
  67. Surgeon Training Following Serious Incident Response 5801
  68. Surgeons Dismissed After Serious Incident Response 5802
  69. Temporary Staff Suppliers Response 5835
  70. Temporary Staff Suppliers Response 5835 attachment
  71. Wellbeing Days For Staff Response 5778
  72. Whistleblowing Concerns Response 5604
  73. Whistleblowing Reports Response 5713