MKUH Staff Awards

Our staff awards are a fantastic way to recognise and celebrate staff achievements from across the Trust. From the amazing work going on in one department to improve patient care to the individual or team who consistently goes above and beyond, the staff awards are an opportunity for all staff and departments to be recognised. Each year the number of nominations has continued to increase, demonstrating the value of the awards.

The MKUH Staff Awards 2024 took place at the Leonardo Hotel in Central Milton Keynes. The staff awards are our opportunity to celebrate and recognise staff achievements from right across the hospital. It also provides us with the chance to reflect on how far we have come as an organisation over the past 12 months.

This year, we had a record-breaking number of nominations submitted, so a huge congratulations to all of our shortlisted nominees. The winners have now been revealed – a big well done to the individuals and teams below!



WeCARE Colleague of the Year Brayden Williams – Therapies
Baroness Wall’s Rising Star Louise Hulland – Pharmacy
Volunteer of the Year Graham Clark – Volunteer
Best Use of Charitable Funds SignLive
WeCOMMUNICATE Patient Experience Diane Gray – NNU
Patients’ Choice Tracy Rea – Maternity
WeCOLLABORATE Team of the Year ADAU & Maternity Triage
Outstanding Contribution Dr George MacFaul – Gastroenterology
Community Engagement Award Johanna Hrycak – Armed Forces
Chair’s Award for Excellence Denzil Pereira – Imaging
CEO Leader of the Year Elisabeta Wabara – Same Day Emergency Care
Lifetime Achievement Award Julie Orr – Operations
Lifetime Achievement Award Dr Ijaz Mehdi – Medicine

Last Modified: 4:04pm 12/06/2024