
Our staff strive to deliver exceptional care and a positive experience for all. It is appreciated when this care is recognised, and staff are delighted when they receive compliments or kind words from a patient or their family member. By sending in a compliment, you are helping us to learn about what you have valued within your experience.

We are keen to use this important learning to help us further enhance the care and support we offer.

There are a number of ways in which we share compliments within the organisation:

  1. The message is passed on directly to the recipient individual or team, as well as the senior individual responsible for managing the respective department.
  2. The message is shared to all staff in our weekly newsletter.

Please leave your compliment using the form below which will be sent to the Patient and Family Experience Team. We would be grateful if you could give as much detail as possible about what the staff member(s) said or did that was important to you.

Please leave your compliment using the form below which will be sent to the Patient and Family Experience Team. We would be grateful if you could give as much detail as possible about what the staff member(s) said or did that was important to you.

Information submitted via this form is confidential. Should you wish to discuss your comment further, please contact the Patient Experience team at [email protected].

Social media

Compliments can further be submitted through the Trust’s social media accounts. If you would like to share your positive news, please post or comment on any of the accounts below:

Friends and Family Test (FFT)
Contact PALS
Leave a Review