Friends and Family Test

If you have stayed as an inpatient overnight or visited our outpatients department, we will ask you to tell us about the care you received. This enables us to learn where we are doing well, and where we can improve.

The FFT can be completed via a paper form available from the ward/department, via a QR code on posters across the hospital, or you will receive your FFT via SMS message to your mobile telephone.

The FFT asks patients to answer the following question:

“Overall, how was your experience of our service?”

You can rank your answer from “very good” to “very poor”. You can also tell us why you have scored us that way and write comments about the service and the staff who cared for you. It is important we hear from you about your care as we can only make the right changes if we know exactly what is working and what we can do even better.

To fill out a Friends and Family Test, please click here.


The results are shared within wards and departments and at other MKUH meetings. The results are also shared nationally.

If you have any questions you can ask a member of staff or email [email protected]

Please watch the following video on FFTS:

Or listen to our voice recording to understand more.

Last Modified: 1:53pm 11/03/2024