Maple Centre
The Maple Centre opened on Monday 31 October 2022 and provides dedicated space for both medicine and surgical Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) pathways to the population of Milton Keynes.
The unit provides the following benefits:
- Improve access to hospital services for primary care (e.g. access consultant geriatrician)
- Provide a central facility to provide senior clinical input for patients with ambulatory sensitive conditions and the frail elderly
- Reduce reliance on escalation areas providing better care for patients
- Avoid admissions allowing the Trust to repatriate elective activity
SDEC activity refers to patients who can be seen/treated within the same day without the need for admission. SDEC also supports early facilitated discharge for patients who would otherwise need a longer stay as an inpatient.
Upstairs there is a 26 bedded ward which provides specialist care for those patients who require additional treatment. The ward is known as Maple Centre Ward 1.
Fore more information about the Maple Centre, click here.
Last Modified: 9:29am 25/01/2023