Breast Feeding Peer Supporters

At MKUH we are currently Baby Friendly fully accredited after achieving Stage 3 in November 2019.

Our Breast Feeding Peer Supporter volunteers require passionate and outgoing individuals who are over 18 years old and have had a minimum of 6 months or exclusive breastfeeding experience, to provide specific peer to peer support to parents with breastfeeding their babies.

  • Providing support to parents in a friendly, positive and warm way and listening to their concerns and providing a safe space
  • Signpost to evidence-based information and guidance
  • Provide support and information in line with relevant infant feeding training and the UNICEF Baby Friendly Standards
  • Observe and offer guidance for achieving optimal positioning and attachment for feeding

This role is based on our Maternity Ward in the Labour Ward. Peer Supporters will need to be available to volunteer 3 hours each week and commit to at least 1 year of volunteering.

Breastfeeding Peer Support Training will need to be completed prior to starting. It is a five-week course of two hours per week during the evening, with the Infant Feeding Lead Midwife. This in in addition to the mandatory training and Trust induction.

Ongoing supervision is provided.