Shashika Dias

Shashika Dias – Operations Manager

Emergency Department Operations Manager Shashika Dias has always managed to fit in studying alongside her working week, so when the opportunity to do an apprenticeship came up, she jumped at the chance.

Shashika had always wanted to do an MBA (Master of Business Administration), but both the cost and the time-consuming nature of the course meant she hadn’t considered it as a realistic option while working full-time.


But then she learned it was possible to study for the qualification via MKUH’s apprenticeship scheme. An MBA is a highly thought of postgraduate qualification that equips learners with a detailed overview of key business practices. Shashika started the course through the Open University in 2019 and is due to finish her final module in April 2023.

“The work required is very intense and there are always two modules to study for at any one time, including the preparation of a final portfolio,” explains Shashika, who has worked at the Trust since 2018. “But I am quite organised and tend to do a lot of the work when I get home in the evenings. I consider myself very lucky to be able to do an MBA as an apprenticeship. It is a fantastic opportunity to develop my knowledge skills and use them in the workplace.”

Shashika already has a BSc degree in healthcare and a Master’s in Advanced Nursing Practice, so gaining an MBA will increase her qualifications even further.

“Having the MBA funded through the apprenticeship scheme and being given 20% of my working week as study time is really very valuable,” she says. “I also work on the modules at the weekends, as there is a good deal of reading required as well.”

She also benefits from regular calls with her practice tutor at the Open University. The entire course is online, so this offers more flexibility, allowing her to study at any time to suit her.

Shashika is a positive advocate for apprenticeships.

“There are so many options available, and I would encourage colleagues to explore the options in line with their career aspirations,” she adds.

For more information on the wide range of apprenticeships available here at MKUH, email [email protected]

Last Modified: 1:05pm 07/02/2023