Discharge after ERCP – patient information

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It is important that you follow the instructions given in this leaflet.

Most patients are discharged on the same day after an ERCP, a few may be required to be admitted overnight. This is to ensure that everything is as it should be and that you are not suffering any side effects or complications following the procedure. Following your discharge from hospital, if you develop severe pain in your stomach or shoulder, or if you become unusually short of breath or faint or feverish, please telephone the Endoscopy department. Likewise, if you vomit a large amount of blood (more than an eggcup full), pass black stools; please contact us.

The Endoscopy department is open between the hours of 8:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday (01908 996460) or go to A&E. If you need to speak to someone outside of these hours you can contact the Gastroenterology Ward (Ward 8) on 01908 996395.

1. You should be able to eat and drink normally after 4-6 hours of the procedure once you have recovered from the sedation unless a doctor tells you otherwise. If you are discharged on the same day of your procedure, rest quietly for the remainder of the day. You may be unsteady on your feet and unable to coordinate your actions for some hours after the procedure. It is for this reason that you should have someone to look after you overnight if possible, as you will still be affected by the sedative drugs for up to 24 hours.

2. It is advisable to have the following day off work, but in any event for the first 24 hours following sedation.

Do Not:
 Drive a car
 Drink Alcohol
 Take sleeping tablets
 Operate any machinery or electrical items
 Sign any legally binding documents
 Work at heights (including climbing ladders or onto a chair)

Sedation can impair your reflexes and judgment.

3. A report will be sent to your GP within the next 24 hours.

Please note: Any specimens that were taken will need to be reported on by the laboratory which takes approximately 10-14 days. The results of any specimens taken are not sent back to the Endoscopy Suite, so please do not telephone us to find out results. The results of your test will be sent directly to your GP.

Signature of discharge nurse…………………………………….
Print Name…………………………………….
Date ……………………………. Time …………………….