Discharge advice following endoscopy with sedation (incl. Propofol)

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Patients should be accompanied home by a responsible adult who should stay with them overnight if they live alone. The medication used may stay in your system for 24 hours, therefore it is important to adhere to the following instructions:

1. Do not drive a car or any other vehicle for 24 hours.
2. Do not operate machinery or appliances such as cookers or kettles.
3. Avoid alcohol.
4. Please avoid sleeping medication for 24 hours after your procedure.
5. Do not lock the bathroom or toilet door or make yourself inaccessible to the person looking after you.
6. Drink plenty of fluids and eat a light diet.
7. Take things easy the day after your procedure and do not work with machinery or take strenuous exercise.
8. Do not make important decisions or sign important documents for 24 hours after your sedation.

Signature of discharge nurse…………………………………….
Print Name…………………………………….
Date ……………………. Time …………………….

Reference: British Society of Gastroenterology September 2003