Bronchoscopy with sedation

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Because you have been given something to make you drowsy for the test, it is important that you:

1. Rest quietly for the remainder of the day, with someone to look after you overnight if possible, as you will still be affected by the sedative drugs for up to 24 hours.
2. It is advisable to have the following day off work, but in any event for the first 24 hours following sedation

Do Not:
 Drive a car
 Drink Alcohol or Smoke
 Take sleeping tablets
 Operate any machinery or electrical items
 Sign any legally binding documents
 Work at heights (including climbing ladders or onto a chair)

Sedation can impair your reflexes and judgment.

You can eat and drink normally after two hours ……………………….am/pm

You may have a slight nose bleed following your Bronchoscopy; this is not unusual but if it persists or becomes severe please telephone the number below for advice. If you develop increased
breathlessness, pain on taking a deep breath or high temperature; please telephone us.

You may experience a sore throat or hoarse voice. This is not unusual, and you should ease within a day or so. It is normal to cough up small amounts of blood after a bronchoscopy, particularly if you have had a biopsy taken (a small piece of tissue). Or if you have any problems or queries about your test please telephone the Endoscopy Suite. A report will be sent to your GP within the next few days.

To contact us by telephone: Monday to Friday 8:00h – 18:00h 01908 996460. If your call is out of these hours, please contact your own GP or contact NHS Direct.

Any specimens that were taken will need to be reported by the laboratory which takes approximately 5-7 days. The results of any specimens taken are not sent back to the Endoscopy Suite, so please do not telephone us to find out results. The results of your test will be sent directly to your consultant and this will be discussed with you during your clinic visit. Your GP will be informed of the results and further management plan.

Signature of discharge nurse…………………………………….
Print Name…………………………………….
Date ……………………. Time …………………….