Advice following a gastroscopy

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You may eat and drink as normal once you have been discharged. If following your discharge, you experience any severe pain in your neck, chest or abdomen, contact the Endoscopy department between 08:00hrs – 18:00hrs Monday to Friday (01908 996460) or go to A&E. If you need to speak to someone outside of these hours you can contact the Gastroenterology Ward (Ward 8) on 01908 996395.

Follow-up information (Nurse to tick box)
o Please continue with your current medication unless you have been advised otherwise.
o Your G.P. will be sent a copy of the Doctors’ report.
o If biopsies were taken, a report will be sent to your G.P in 6-8 weeks. Please contact them
o or your named consultant for results (not the Endoscopy Dept).
o Follow up with GP if required.
o A follow-up clinic appointment will be sent to you in the post.
o An appointment for a repeat procedure will be sent to you in the post.
o You will be sent an appointment for a CT/ MRI scan / x-ray (circle relevant option)

If you have any further questions related to your condition, you should contact your GP or referring/named consultant.

Signature of discharge nurse…………………………………….
Print Name………………………………………………….…….
Date …………………………..…. Time …………..………….