Work Experience at MKUH – Charlotte’s Story

Date: 29/10/2021

Here at MKUH, we provide work experience opportunities for students aged 16-18 years old.


Here at Milton Keynes University Hospital we have three structured programmes of work experience:

  • 5 day Clinical experience for 16-18 year olds
  • 2 day A&E work experience for those that can demonstrate they are eligible to apply for medical school
  • 3 day Physiotherapy work experience for those interested in the field, and ideally studying sports science or a similar qualification
  • 1 day Imaging work experience for those interested in Imaging, Medicine or those who have a general interest in healthcare.

There are also a number of ad-hoc work experience opportunities, subject to availability in an area of interest.

We do work experience opportunities in the hopes that it will help students see if working in healthcare is right for them. Charlotte took on work experience opportunities at MKUH, and here’s what she said about her experience:

‘Physiotherapy was something I had considered but work experience gave me an opportunity to see a variety of wards and departments across the hospital and showed me so many more aspects to physiotherapy than I had realised. All the staff were extremely friendly and enthusiastic about their specialities, and this helped me to decide on my career path.

I have now completed my degree studying at Keele University and have recently started working as a rotational band 5. I am glad I completed my work experience and decided on physiotherapy as I really enjoyed my time at university and am excited to put my skills into practice and continue learning as a new band 5.’


Click here to learn more about work experience at MKUH.