Boost your protein intake
If you struggle to eat full meals or are reliant on snack foods to meet your nutritional requirements, you may not be getting enough protein. This may also be the case if you have pressure injuries or wounds that are slow to heal. You may find that taking an A-Z multivitamin and mineral helps with the healing process.
To increase your protein intake, you could try the following snacks (all available from supermarkets):
- small handful of nuts
- boiled eggs
- nut and seed mix on top of low-fat yoghurt
- hummus with vegetable sticks
- slices of apple spread with nut butter
- high protein yoghurts and puddings (e.g. Arla, Lindahl’s, Skyr)
- high protein bread (e.g. Warburton’s bagels, Bfree wraps)
- high protein cereal bars (e.g. Nature Valley, Fibre One, Graze, Eat Natural, Trek, Sci-Mx, supermarket’s own brand)
- high protein crisps (e.g. Popworks, Ufit)
- high protein porridge/granola (e.g. Quaker, supermarket’s own brand)
- high protein milkshakes (e.g. Ufit, For Goodness Shakes, PhD Diet, Barebells, supermarket’s own brand)
- high protein soups (e.g. BOL, Press)
- skimmed milk powder (e.g. Marvel or supermarket’s own brand) can be added to food or made into fortified milk to be used throughout the day (4tbspns powder added to one pint of full fat milk)
Some of these items may need to be refrigerated.
These items may not be suitable if your loved one requires a modified consistency diet; please check with your Speech and Language Therapist for clarification.
Last Modified: 9:11am 13/06/2023