Community Dietetics

The Community Dietetics service at MKUH is a team consisting of four registered dietitians, dietetic assistants, and various administration staff. We are a part of the Milton Keynes University Hospital Dietetics Department.

Who do we see?

The Community Dietetics team see the following people in their own homes, care homes, hospices and respite facilities who are registered with a Milton Keynes GP:

  • Any adult with a feeding tube in place (except Adults with a Learning Disability)
  • An adult with mobility problems who cannot attend a clinic appointment at MKUH
  • Any adult in a care home (apart from weight management)
  • We also see people in the following settings as part of service level agreements:
  • Windsor Intermediate Care Unit (WICU)
  • The neuro rehabilitation unit
  • The Older Persons Assessment Service (TOPAS)
  • Chadwick Lodge
  • Campbell Centre
  • Marlborough House

Milton Keynes University Hospital dietitians do not provide a weight management service. This is commissioned by MK Council Public Health Department. Click here for more information.

Contact us


Our working hours are Monday – Friday 08.30-16.30. If we are not available, please leave a message on our secure answerphone. We will respond as soon as possible, however this may not be until the next working day.

Abbott Hospital to Home (only for those people on a tube feed)

  • Abbott Hospital to Home: 0800 0183799 – Contact if you have questions about feed deliveries or queries about the feeding tube out of hours.
  • Abbott Nurse Advisor: 07824 483 335 – Contact if you have questions about the feeding tubes.

If there is a problem with the feeding pump, please contact the telephone number on the top of the pump.


How to refer
FLIP - Care Home Pack
Nutrition and Dietetics