Information for the public
The study is only open to people with type 2 diabetes who live in Milton Keynes City Council local authority area. Participants also need to have or have access to an Apple iPhone (iOS 15 or higher) and be aged 18 years or over.
Currently, participants who may be eligible will be invited to join the study by their GP around the time of their diabetes annual review, if their GP practice is participating in the study.
Participants who are invited to take part will first need to complete a screening form to check they are suitable for the study. They will then need to share their contact details with the study team.
The study team will need to do some further checks to verify that the participant is suitable for the study. At that stage the participant will need to complete a consent form to agree to take part before joining the study. All participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire at the start of the study, at 12 months and at 24 months.
More information on the study is available in the Participant Information Sheet.
Last Modified: 2:22pm 09/04/2024