Supporting Patients with Hearing Loss
Ensuring that patients have a positive experience of their care here at MKUH is paramount. To that end, a member of our nursing team has pioneered the very simplest of initiatives to help ensure that any patient with hearing loss is treated appropriately. Sam Penney, who is deaf herself, became aware that a patient’s hearing ability wasn’t necessarily recorded on their medical records. She devised posters and stickers so that patients visiting our outpatients department could easily be identified and therefore staff made more clearly aware of any additional needs regarding communication.
Reception desks in all outpatient areas keep a stock of blue stickers which indicate that a person has hearing loss. This is now being rolled out to our Emergency Department and soon our inpatient wards will keep a stock to alert staff to the additional needs of this group of patients. They can also be stuck on paper-lite notes for ease of reference.
Last Modified: 1:09pm 02/11/2022