Change or cancel an appointment
You can change or cancel your appointment at Milton Keynes University Hospital using the form below.
We will email you back the next working day. You will also receive a message once the request has been made online.
When patients do not attend their clinic appointments, and don’t tell us in advance, it has a huge impact – costing the NHS money, valuable time and also affecting other patients. It means someone else misses out and stops the hospital reducing waiting lists.
Please tell us if you are not going to attend an appointment, so other patients requiring hospital treatment can be seen by our clinical teams.
If you fail to attend your appointment without notifying us beforehand, you could be discharged if it is clinically appropriate to do so.
This means you will need to return to the referring clinician for another referral if you do need to attend a clinic, so you could lose time too.
You can contact the Central Booking Office by calling 01908 997 050 or emailing [email protected].
Last Modified: 9:51am 21/04/2022