Archive: Ear, Nose and Throat

Myringoplasty surgery

What does surgery involve? The operation to close a hole in the eardrum is called a myringoplasty. Most myringoplasties in the UK are done under general anaesthetic. Some surgeons...

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What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is the term for noises heard ‘in the ear or ears’ or ‘in the head’ when no obvious source of sound is apparent. The noises...

Tinnitus Read Article

Endoscopic Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) (Surgery for a watery eye)

Tears normally drain via openings in the upper and lower eyelids into the tear sac and from there into the nose – see Diagram 1. A blockage of the...

Endoscopic Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) (Surgery for a watery eye) Read Article

Epistaxis Advice Sheet

To prevent recurrence of your nose bleed: • Avoid exertion and rest as much as possible for 48 hours • Do not take a hot bath or shower •...

Epistaxis Advice Sheet Read Article

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy

More about Your Treatment You have been told by your doctor that you need an operation of tonsillectomy and or adenoidectomy. Please take a few minutes to read through...

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Read Article

Thyroid Lobectomy

What is the Thyroid Gland? The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland which is found on the front of the neck just below the Adam’s apple. It produces...

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Pain control advice following throat operations

You may find that you have some pain after your operation. The pain may get worse after 2-3 days (especially if you have had laser surgery). Remember to take...

Pain control advice following throat operations Read Article


More about your treatment You have been told by your doctor that you need further treatment to find out more about your condition. Please take a few minutes to...

Otosclerosis Read Article

Neck dissection information

This has been written as a guide for anyone having surgery to remove the lymph glands in their neck. It has been compiled by experienced staff and answers the...

Neck dissection information Read Article

Nasal douching

With extra inflammation in the nose or sinuses (e.g. in sinusitis or after nasal / sinus surgery) there are greater amounts of mucous, crusts or blood clots. A salt/bicarbonate...

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