Epistaxis Advice Sheet
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To prevent recurrence of your nose bleed:
• Avoid exertion and rest as much as possible for 48 hours
• Do not take a hot bath or shower
• Wait for hot drinks to cool before drinking
• Do not smoke
• Avoid trauma to the nose, stooping, bending or straining In some cases the doctor may prescribe Naseptin cream which should be applied carefully to the affected area twice each day for one week, unless otherwise directed.
Naseptin Cream contains peanut oil. Inform the doctor if any allergy is likely.
In the Event of a Nose Bleed
• Stay calm
• Squeeze firmly on the soft part of your nose for at least 10 minutes using a clock to time yourself
• Sit upright during this time, if possible, with your head tilted slightly forward so that you do not swallow any blood. Spit any blood out into a bowl
• A bag of ice and water or a bag of frozen peas held over the nose may help
If the bleeding will not stop telephone 01908 995470 for further advice.