Glossary of terms
Abbreviation | Meaning | Abbreviation | Meaning |
AC | Abdominal circumference | IV | Intravenous |
AF | Amniotic fluid – fluid around your baby in the womb | IVA | Isovaleric acidaemia |
ART | Assisted reproductive technology | IVDU | Intravenous drug user |
BCG | Bacillus Calmette-Guerin – vaccine against TB | IVF | In vitro fetilisation |
BMI | Body Mass Index | LMP | Last menstrual period |
BN | Batch number | LMWH | Low-molecular weight heparin |
BP | Blood pressure | MCADD | Medium chain acyl-coa dehydrogenase deficiency |
BPD | Bi-parietal diameter | MEOWS | Modified Obstetric Early Warning System |
Br | Breech | MIs | Millilitres |
CAF | Common assessment framework | MMR | Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine |
CCT | Controlled cord traction | MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
Ceph | Cephalic | MRSA | Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
CMW | Community Midwife | MSUD | Maple syrup urine disease |
CO | Carbon monoxide | MSW | Maternity support worker |
Con | Consultant | MW / RM | Midwife / Registered Midwife |
CP | Civil partner | NAD | No abnormalities detected |
CRL | Crown rump length | NFA | No fixed abode |
CTG | Cardiotocograph | No. | Number |
CVS | Chorionic villus sampling | NT | Nuchal translucency |
DM | Diabetes mellitus | NVD / SVD | Normal vaginal delivery / Spontaneous vaginal delivery |
DVT | Deep vein thrombosis | O² | Oxygen |
EBL | Estimated blood loss | ObI | Oblique |
ECV | External cephalic version | ODP | Operating department practitioner |
EDD | Expected date of delivery | OGTT | Oral glucose tolerance test |
EFW | Estimated fetal weight | OHSS | Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome |
Eng | Engaged | Palp | Palpation |
ETT | Endotracheal tube | PCR | Polymerase chain reaction |
F/T | Full time | PET | Pre-eclampsia |
FBS | Fetal blood sampling | PGP | Pelvic girdle pain |
FGR | Fetal growth restriction | PIH | Pregnancy induced hypertension |
FH/ FHHR | Fetal heart / Fetal heart heard regular | PKU | Phenylketonuria |
FL | Femur length | PND | Postnatal depression |
FMF | Fetal Movements Felt | PP | Peuperal Psychosis |
FY | Foundation year doctor | PPH | Post-partum Haemorrhage |
GA | Gestational age | PR | Per Rectum |
GA1 | Glutaric aciduria Type 1 | Pres | Presentation |
GBS | Group B streptococcus | P/T | Part time |
GDM | Gestational diabetes | PV | Per vaginam |
Gest | Gestation | Resp | Respirations |
Gms | Grams | SGA | Small for gestational age |
GP | Genera practitioner – family doctor | SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
Hb | Haemoglobin | SROM | Spontaneous rupture of membranes |
HC | Head circumference | StM | Student Midwife |
HCU | Homocystinuria (pyridoxine unresponsive) | STR | Speciality training registrar (Doctor) |
HDU | High dependency unit | TB | Tuberculosis |
HELLP | Haemolysis Elevated Liver Enzymes Low Platelets | Temp | Temperature |
HV | Health Visitor | TENS | Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
HVS | High Vaginal Swab | T | Trisomy |
IBD | Inflammatory bowel disease | U/E | Unemployed |
ICP | Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Pregnancy | U/S | Ultrasound |
IOL | Induction of Labour | UKBA | United Kingdom Border Agency |
IPPV | Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation | VBAC | Vaginal birth after Caesarean Section |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit | VE | Vaginal examination |
IUD | Intrauterine Device | VTE | Venous thrombo-embolism |
IUS | Intrauterine System | Wks | Weeks |
Last Modified: 3:24pm 12/10/2022