After your Endoscopy Procedure
After your procedure you will be transferred from the endoscopy procedure room into the recovery area.
If you have had sedation, you will be allowed to rest in the recovery bay. The nurse will be monitoring you very carefully checking your observations regularly and making sure you are comfortable.
Once you have recovered you will be transferred to the second stage recovery room where you will be offered something to drink and biscuits.
A nurse will call your designated friend or relative to inform them that you are ready to be discharged and to make their way to the hospital. If you have had sedation, they will need to pick you up in the Unit. They will be asked to arrive no later than 6pm.
The nurse will take you to the discharge room and will go through the results of your procedure, they will give you a copy of your discharge information and advise you on any further follow up if needed. You may receive a copy of your endoscopy report and a copy will be sent to your GP.
If you wish your friend or relative can be with you during this process.
If you have any immediate concerns or questions when you leave the endoscopy unit you should contact the endoscopy unit between 09:00 and 17:30 (01908 996 460) Monday to Saturday.
Outside these hours, please call a nurse on Ward 22 (01908 996 455) for advice or go to your nearest A&E department.
Last Modified: 9:20am 25/07/2024