Clinical Disclosure Log 2024

  1. 4-hour A&E target Response 081
  2. ABI Hospital Beds Response 402
  3. Admission Waiting Times Response 345
  4. Admission Waiting Times Response 345 - Attachment
  5. Admissions and Safeguarding Response 593
  6. Admissions and Safeguarding Response 593 - Attachment
  7. Adult Containment Response 591
  8. Adult containment Response 591 - Pressure Ulcer Prevention Policy
  9. A&E Response 135
  10. A&E Response 135 - Attachment
  11. ALT and AST Data Response 080
  12. A&E Tooth Decay Admissions Response 537
  13. A&E Tooth Decay Admissions Response 537 - Attachment
  14. Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Response 007
  15. AMU Response 325
  16. AMU Response 325 - Attachment
  17. Antibiotic Resistance Response 384
  18. Assault Attendances to Emergency Department Response 009
  19. Assault Attendances to Emergency Department Response 009 Attachment
  20. Attended A&E and given Semaglutide Response 658
  21. Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes Response 710
  22. Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes Response 710 - Attachment
  23. Blood Contamination Response 016
  24. Breast Cancer Family History Units - Response 471
  25. Breast Cancer Family History Units - Response 471 - Attachment
  26. Cancer Diagnosis Response 170
  27. Cancer Patients Diagnosed in A&E Response 098
  28. Cancer Treatment Wait Times Response 136
  29. Cancelled Children's Surgical Procedures Response 100
  30. Cancelled Children's Surgical Procedures Response 100 - Attachment
  31. Cancelled Children's Surgical Procedures Response 100 - Attachment 2
  32. Cancelled Operations between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 Response 221
  33. Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacterales Response 599
  34. Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacterales Response 599 - Attachment
  35. Chronic Oedema Response 333
  36. Chronic Oedema Response 333 - Attachment
  37. Chronic Pain Service Response 611
  38. Cancelled Operations due to EFM Incidents Response 457
  39. Chiropractic Response 460
  40. Child Obesity Clinic’s Response 309
  41. Clinical Trials Landscape Response 140
  42. Clinical Trials Landscape Response 140 - Attachment
  43. Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Data in ICU Response 714
  44. Complementary and Alternative Medicines Response 515
  45. Commercial Trials Response 250
  46. Community Respiratory Service Response 516
  47. Continuous Pre-emptive Flow Response 356
  48. Continuous Pre-emptive Flow Response 356 - Attachment
  49. Decision-to-Admit at A&E to Response 116
  50. Decision to Admit Response 327
  51. Decision to Admit Response 327 - Attachment
  52. Dermatology Response 258
  53. Dermatology Response 258 - Attachment
  54. Decision-to-Admit at A&E to Response 116 - Attachment 1
  55. Disease and Illness Statistics Response 119 - Attachment 1
  56. Disease and Illness Statistics Response 119 - Attachment 2
  57. Disease and Illness Statistics Response 119
  58. Elective Robotic Surgery Response 099
  59. Elective Robotic Surgery Response 099 - Attachment
  60. Elective Treatment Response 229
  61. Emergency Department Performance Response 535
  62. Emergency Department Performance Response 535 - Attachment
  63. Emergency Medicine Department Response 011
  64. Emergency Eye Care Response 291
  65. Emergency Eye Care Response 291 - Attachment
  66. Endophthalmitis Response 111
  67. Endoscopy Procedures Response 549
  68. FGM Response 20
  69. Fertility Treatments Response 613
  70. Fireworks Response 580
  71. Fireworks Response 580 - Attachment
  72. FGM Response attachment 20
  73. FGM Response 103
  74. Functional Neurological Disorder Response 388
  75. Functional Neurological Disorder Response 388 - Attachment
  76. General Surgery Waiting Lists Response 717
  77. Genomics laboratory Hubs Response 440
  78. Gastroenterology Services Response 233
  79. Gastroenterology Services Response 233 - Attachment
  80. Group B Strep Prevention Guidelines Response 660
  81. Group B Strep prevention guidelines Response 660 - Attachment 1
  82. Group B Strep prevention guidelines Response 660 - Attachment 2
  83. Group B Strep prevention guidelines Response 660 - Attachment 3
  84. Gynaecology Waiting Lists Response 077
  85. Gynaecology Response 065
  86. Gynaecological Procedure Response 307
  87. Gynaecology Data Response 161
  88. Gynaecology Data Response 161 - Attachment
  89. Headache Clinic and Neurology Department Response 501
  90. Hepatitis Response 719
  91. Hepatitis Response 719 - Attachment
  92. Hip Arthroplasty Surgeries Response 205
  93. Hip Arthroplasty Surgeries Response 205 - Attachment
  94. HIV-Related Discrimination Complaints Response 286
  95. Holistic Care of the Patients with Spinal Cord Injury Response 716
  96. Hospital Guidelines Response 662
  97. Hospital Treatments for Abortion Complications Response 283
  98. Hospital Treatments for Abortion Complications Response 283 - Attachment
  99. Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Response 365
  100. Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Response 365 - Attachment
  101. In-Patient Falls Response 149
  102. Infected Blood Response 329
  103. Infant Circumcision Data Response 748
  104. Injection Side Effects Response 701
  105. IV Iron Leaflet and IV Iron Policies Response 196
  106. IV Iron Leaflet and IV Iron Policies Response 196 - Attachment
  107. Long Covid Clinics Response 622
  108. Malnutrition Stats Response 718
  109. Malnutrition Stats Response 718 Attachment
  110. Medical Codes Response 363
  111. Medical Codes Response 363 - Attachment
  112. Melanoma Cancer Care Protocols and Patient Management Response 176
  113. Melanoma Cancer Care Protocols and Patient Management Response 176 - Attachment
  114. Mental Health Complaints Response 288
  115. Mental Health Complaints Response 288 - Attachment
  116. Missed Appointments Response 152
  117. Missed Appointments Response 152 - Attachment 1
  118. Mouth Cancer Response 108
  119. Myeloma Service Provision Response 310
  120. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Response 352
  121. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Response 352 - Attachment
  122. NICE Quality Standard on Fatal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Response 125
  123. Non-Public Wait Lists Response 177
  124. Nursing and Midwifery Council Response 129
  125. Nursing Associate Policy Response 207
  126. Opioids Overdose Response 042
  127. Opioids Overdose Response 042 Attachment 1
  128. Opioids Overdose Response 042 - Attachment 2
  129. Ophthalmology Response 055
  130. Ophthalmology Services Response 092
  131. Ophthalmology Response 039
  132. Ophthalmology Response 046
  133. Ophthalmology Response 049
  134. Ophthalmology Services Response 210
  135. Ophthalmology Services Response 210 - Attachment
  136. Ophthalmology Pathway Response 186
  137. Ophthalmology Pathway Response 186 - Attachment
  138. Ophthalmology - Glaucoma Waiting Lists Response 520
  139. Paediatrics aged 16 years to 17 years and acute Medical, Surgical or Mental Health Issues Response 623
  140. Patients Died Whilst on Planned Care Response 168
  141. Patients Died Whilst on Planned Care Response 168 - Attachment
  142. Patient Safety Incident Response 130
  143. Patient Safety Incident Response 130 - Attachment
  144. Patient Conditioning for Surgery Response 755
  145. Patient Conditioning for Surgery Response 755 - Attachment
  146. Patients with ASCVD and Lipoprotein(a) Testing Response 733
  147. Patients with ASCVD and Lipoprotein(a) Testing Response 733 attachment
  148. Perinatal Pelvic Health Service Response 684
  149. Pharmacists Dedicated to ED Response 630
  150. Planned Admissions & Discharge Pathways Response 456
  151. Planned Admissions & Discharge Pathways Response 456 - Attachment
  152. Prosthetic and or Orthotic Services Response 661
  153. Response 514 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Procedure
  154. PoTS Patients Response 183
  155. PoTS Patients Response 183 - Attachment
  156. Psychedelics Consumption Response 269
  157. Pressure Sores Response 596
  158. Pressure Sores Response 596 - Attachment
  159. Procedure Numbers Response 625
  160. Prostate Biopsies Response 415
  161. Prostate Biopsies Response 415 - Attachment
  162. Psychedelics Consumption Response 269 - Attachment
  163. Radiotherapy Response 040
  164. Radiotherapy Treatment Response 373
  165. Rapid Access Chest Clinic Response 492
  166. Response 514 Transgender Patients
  167. Response 514 Delivering Single Sex Accommodation Policy
  168. Rib Fractures, Chest Wall Trauma or Blunt Chest Wall Trauma Response 657
  169. Rib Fractures, Chest Wall Trauma or Blunt Chest Wall Trauma Response 657 - Attachment 1
  170. Rib Fractures, Chest Wall Trauma or Blunt Chest Wall Trauma Response 657Response 657 - Attachment 2
  171. Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Units Response 432
  172. Slips or Falls on Ice Response 697
  173. Slips or Falls on Ice Response 697 - Attachment
  174. Spinal Cord Stimulation Devices Response 500
  175. Surgical Robot Response 408
  176. Surgical Robot Response 408 - Attachment
  177. Supported Discharge and Discharge to Assess Pathways Response 063
  178. Sudden Cardiac Death Response 094
  179. Sudden Cardiac Death Response 094 - Attachment
  180. Sunburn Cases Response 419
  181. Sunburn Cases Response 419 - Attachment
  182. Surgery Waiting Times Response 118
  183. Suspected Drink Spiking and Spiked by Injection Incidents Response 409
  184. Suspected Drink Spiking and Spiked by Injection Incidents Response 409 - Attachment
  185. Suspected Endometriosis Response 8547
  186. Symptoms of Sodium Nitrite Poisoning Response 023
  187. Total Hospital Bed Numbers Response 553
  188. TRUS Guided Biopsy & Transperineal Biopsy Procedures Response 686
  189. TRUS Guided Biopsy & Transperineal Biopsy Response 686 - Attachment
  190. Urgent Referral Skin Cancer Response 324
  191. Virtual Wards Response 567
  192. Virtual Wards Response 298
  193. Virtual Wards Response298 - Attachment
  194. Wait Times Response 737
  195. Wait Times Response 737 - Attachment
  196. Weight Loss Jabs Response 753
  197. Wet AMD and other anti VEGf treated Condition, Covering Demand, Capacity, and Delivery Response 694
  198. Wet AMD and other anti VEGf treated Condition, Covering Demand, Capacity, and Delivery Response 694 attachment