Clinical Disclosure Log 2020

  1. Adult Allergy Service Response 5494
  2. Adult, Paediatric and Neonatal Ventilators Response 5239
  3. Adult, Paediatric and Neonatal Ventilators Response 5239 -Attachment
  4. Assigned Beds in ED Response 5148
  5. Alcohol Related Cases Response 5141
  6. Alcohol Related Cases Response 5141 Attachment
  7. Attendance Rates in ED Response 5100
  8. Aquired Brain Injury Response 5475
  9. Biologic Pathway Response 5401
  10. Breast & Urothelial Cancer Chemotherapy Response 5067
  11. Breast & Urothelial Cancer Chemotherapy Response 5067 Attachment 1
  12. Cancelled appointments Response 5530
  13. Cancelled Operations Response 5395
  14. Cancer Patients Receiving Treatment Response 5413
  15. Cardiac CT Response 5384
  16. Cataract and YAG Capsulotomy Response 5474
  17. Cataract Surgery Response 5412
  18. Cataract Surgery Response 5412 Attachment
  19. Cataract Surgery Response 5369
  20. Cataract Surgery Response 5352
  21. Capacity Management Response 5281
  22. Child Self-harm Response 5339
  23. Child Self-harm Response 5339 attachment
  24. Childhood Obesity Response 5489
  25. Childhood Obesity Response 5489 attachment
  26. Colorectal Cancer Treatment Response 5123
  27. Dental Related Problems in ED Response 5099
  28. Dental Health Problems in A&E Response 5255
  29. Delayed Discharges Response 5285
  30. Delayed Discharges Response 5180
  31. Delayed Discharges Response 5180 Attachment
  32. Dental Related Problems in ED Response 5099 - Attachment 1
  33. Departmental Waiting Lists Response 5499
  34. Dermatology Treatment Response 5423
  35. DNAR Notices Response 5555
  36. Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Response 5571
  37. Drug Dependent Patient Response 5102
  38. Elastomeric Infusion Devices Response 5134
  39. Elective Procedures Postponed Response 5130
  40. Epithelial Ovarian Fallopian Tube Response 5235
  41. Foreign Objects Response 5096
  42. Foreign Objects Response 5096 Attachment 1
  43. Hip Fractures Response 5199
  44. Hymenoplasty at MKUH Response 5219
  45. Imaging Services Response 5325
  46. Imaging Studies and Scan Response 5302
  47. Insourcing Clinical Services Response 5106
  48. Iron Infusions Response 5166
  49. IV Peripheral Cannulas Response 5309
  50. Malnutrition Inpatients Response 5210
  51. Malnutrition Inpatients Response 5210 Attachment
  52. Migraines Response 5222
  53. Mental Health Patients Response 5318
  54. MM and CLL Patients Response 5188
  55. MM and CLL Patients Response 5188 Attachment
  56. Major Elective Blood Loss Surgery Response 5232
  57. Missed Hospital Appointments Response 5149
  58. Missed Hospital Appointments Response 5149 Attachment 1
  59. Mobile Healthcare Facilities Response 5238
  60. NIPT - Non Invasive Prenatal Testing Response 5118
  61. Number Number of Annual Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy Procedures Response 5324
  62. Operating Theaters Response 5362
  63. OPEL Level 4 Response 5125
  64. Ophthalmology Response 5156
  65. Ophthalmology Injections Response 5178
  66. Ophthalmology Clinics Response 5277
  67. Orthotics Services Response 5272
  68. Orthotics Services Response 5272 - Attachment
  69. Paediatric Dental Waiting Times Response 5182
  70. Pain Management Waiting Times Response 5193
  71. Patient Choice Response 5168
  72. Patients being referred to Mental Health Services Response 5170
  73. Radiology Services Response 5157
  74. Radiology Services Response 5157 Attachment
  75. Recording Advance Decisions in Medical Emergencies Response 5144
  76. Recording Advance Decisions in Medical Emergencies Response 5144 - Attachment
  77. Screening Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anaemia Response 5232
  78. Sharpe's Containers Response 5310
  79. Straight to Test Pathway Response 5159
  80. Straight to Test Pathway Response 5159 Attachment 1
  81. Stranded Patients Response 5122
  82. Stranded Patients Response 5122 Attachment 1
  83. Sterile Services and Endoscopy Reprocessing Facilities Response 5314
  84. Sterile Services and Endoscopy Reprocessing Facilities Response 5314 - Attachment
  85. Suspected Sepsis Response 5127
  86. Surgical and General Specialist Tables Response 5247
  87. Swallowing Foreigh Objects Response 5096
  88. Swallowing Foreign Objects Response 5096 Attachment 1
  89. Tonsillectomy Surgery Response 5092
  90. Tonsillectomy Surgery Response 5092 Attachment - Adults
  91. Tonsillectomy Surgery Response 5092 Attachment - Children
  92. Treatment of Osteoporosis Response 5367
  93. Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns Disease Response 5185
  94. Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease Response 5185 Attachment
  95. Vaping Related Admissions Response 5135
  96. Video Consultations Response 5564
  97. Video Consultations Response 5564 attachment
  98. Waiting Times in A&E Response 5126
  99. Waiting Times Response 5167
  100. Waiting Times Response 5167 Attachment
  101. Warming Blankets Response 5317
  102. Wrong Route Medication Response 5162