Last Modified: 4:06pm 18/11/2024
The Orthoptic Department will investigate, diagnose and treat patients with squints and other defects of binocular single vision. These may be congenital or acquired and may be associated with reduced vision.
Orthoptists assess and manage patients of all ages with abnormal eye movements. The causes of these are many and varied but include neurological conditions, stroke, trauma or diseases affecting the muscles surrounding the eye.
Patients with acquired eye movement anomalies often experience diplopia (double vision) and may have difficulty safely performing normal daily tasks. These symptoms may be treated with prisms, eye exercises or occlusion.
Stroke Ward
Orthoptists visit the stroke ward twice a week to assess patients for visual anomalies developed following a stroke. These include diplopia, visual inattention, visual field loss and visual disturbance. We manage symptoms, provide guidance to patients and clinical staff and refer patients where appropriate.
Paediatric Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) Service
A trained Orthoptist offers specialised assessment and support of children with severe visual impairment. Advice and family support is offered in addition to liaison with the Early Years team and SENDIS educational support staff.
Optometry is based in the Eye Clinic. We run clinics for both adult and paediatric patients Monday to Friday by appointment only.
Children with Special Needs
Our Orthoptic Department offers dedicated clinics for children with special needs. Providing a calmer environment and experienced staff to patients.
Departmental lead
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Email: [email protected]
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