What to expect from your physiotherapy appointment
How can I access outpatient Respiratory and Amputee physiotherapy?
If you would like to be referred to physiotherapy the team can accept referrals from, specialist nurses, GP’s, consultants, and ward therapists. If you have been an inpatient in hospital with a flare up of your COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis, or emphysema) you can self-refer using the link or the QR code below or you can phone and leave a voicemail on 01908 995432
[MKUH] Pulmonary Rehabilitation Self Referral (office.com)
How soon will I be seen?
Referrals are triaged by a senior clinician and are triaged as either urgent or routine.
Urgent referrals are offered an assessment within two weeks of the team receiving the referral. Urgent applies to referrals made following an inpatient stay with COPD, after an inpatient stay on Intensive Care or following an amputation.
All other referrals are triaged as routine.
Waiting times for routine referrals can vary and can be up to two months. When a referral is received, a letter is sent to the patient inviting them to contact the department to book an assessment appointment.
How long is an assessment?
All assessments take approximately 60 minutes.
Who does the assessment?
Your assessment will be carried out by a suitably trained physiotherapist who is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The physiotherapist will be trained in respiratory or amputee physiotherapy and will have support from other team members and undergo training and development.
How does the assessment take place?
The assessment can take place face to face within the therapies department, over the telephone (landline or mobile) or via video call on a laptop, tablet, or smart phone.
How do I find the therapies department?
Insert video of walking to dept from main entrance
To find the therapies department enter the hospital through the main entrance opposite multistorey car park ‘D.’ Turn left towards Costa, when you have reached Costa turn right and the first door on the right is the entrance to the therapies reception and waiting room.
Do I need to bring anything to my assessment?
Please bring a list of medication with you to your assessment and your inhalers. The physiotherapist will need to see which inhalers you are taking and may want to watch you taking your inhaler.
Can I bring a relative or a friend with me to my appointments?
Yes, you are welcome to bring a friend or a relative to your assessment. Please bear in mind some of the clinic rooms are small and it may only be possible to bring one relative or friend with you.
You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to your treatment, unless you are coming to one of our group exercise sessions when it may not be possible to bring someone with you. However, if you have specific needs and require someone to come with you, please discuss it with the team who will do their best to accommodate your needs.
What will happen at my appointment?
When you are assessed, the physiotherapist will ask you detailed questions about your condition and your general health. As part of the assessment, you may need to fill out questionnaires or have a physical examination. Physical examinations might be a walking test to determine your exercise tolerance, to listen to your breathing, or to observe your breathing pattern. Your physiotherapist will always let you know what needs to be assessed and why it needs to be assessed. If you do not feel comfortable to do part of the assessment, please let your physiotherapist know.
At the end of your assessment appointment your physiotherapist will tell you the outcome of the assessment and will discuss with you a plan of treatment. If you are happy with the plan of treatment, then the physiotherapist will give you some advice to follow or some exercises to do at home. It is important to follow the advice and do the exercises at home otherwise your condition will not improve. If any of the advice or treatment has any unwanted or adverse effects stop and advise your physiotherapist at the next appointment, or by leaving a voicemail on 01908 995432.
During follow up appointments you will be asked about your general health and how you are getting on with the advice and exercises you have been given.
Last Modified: 11:47am 24/06/2024