Acute Dietitians

The Acute Dietetics service at MKUH is a team consisting of ten registered dietitians and one dietetic assistant.

Who do we see?

The Acute Dietetics team can see all medical/surgical inpatients who require dietary support, including support with hospital meals or snacks as well as artificial feeding options. We have specialty areas in Gastroenterology, Surgery, Diabetes, Stroke and Critical Care.  Referrals are made via our hospital electronic referral system, eCARE.

Depending on the priority of your referral, patients will usually be seen within two working days whilst they are in hospital. Patients may also be seen in outpatient clinics or information groups e.g. cardiac rehabilitation or pulmonary rehabilitation. We aim to see outpatients within 12 weeks.

We also receive referrals from GP (including from Choose & Book) as well as hospital Consultants and Allied Health Professionals.

Milton Keynes University Hospital dietitians do not provide a weight management service. This is commissioned by MK Council Public Health Department and referrals should be directed to

Contact us

phone: 01908 995 387

email: [email protected]

Last Modified: 9:06am 21/07/2023

Patient Information Leaflets