Relocation of the Avanto unit from the MRI Centre

Date: 17/03/2022

Following the introduction of the new mobile MRI units outside the Treatment Centre, the final stage of this project is to relocate the Avanto MRI scanner from its current position in the MRI Centre to the new units.

This move is taking place on Saturday 19 March, with the scanner being transported using a crane which will be located on the fire road outside the MRI Centre and adjacent to Ward 24. To ensure the safety of staff, patients and visitors, the fire road will be closed from 7pm on Friday 18th, with vehicle access prohibited. Pedestrian access will remain in place until 7am on Saturday. The road will re-open again on the 19th once the crane has vacated the site.

The lift team will arrive on-site at approximately 7.30am on Saturday, with the work taking eight hours to complete. All services that are affected, including the fire service, and Patient Transport have been informed of the road closure.

The image below highlights the location of the crane.