Visiting the Neonatal Unit
Who can come?
Parents of babies on the unit are welcome to be here at any time, day or night. Brothers and sisters of the baby can come at any time and we would encourage you to bring them to meet their new sibling and be involved appropriately. Children remain your responsibility and should not be left anywhere on the unit unsupervised. However, we ask you not to bring your children in to the nursery if they have a cough, cold, tummy upset, or other infections due to the risk of passing it on to babies in the nursery.
You are welcome to bring other adult visitors of your choice to visit but no other children will be allowed onto the unit. Due to restricted space, noise levels and infection control, we may ask you to limit the number of people at the cot side at any one time. Please explain to your family and friends that they may only visit with you and that we are unable to give them any information about your baby’s condition. Information is only given to parents.
How do we get in?
The Neonatal Unit is secure to protect our tiny patients. This means you will need to ring the buzzer when you arrive at the door and explain who you are and who you have come to visit. We know that it can be hard waiting so we will answer the door as promptly as possible but please be patient if this cannot be straight away on some occasions. You will need to ask a member of staff to let you out when you are ready to leave also.
Please ensure that you do not let anyone else into the unit with you or as you leave, as we must have control over who enters and exits the unit at all times, for the safety of your baby.
Health and safety
Our tiny patients are vulnerable to infection and it is important that anyone who is unwell does not visit the unit. If you are in any doubt about a visitor, it is safer that they stay away. If parents feel unwell then please speak to a member of staff so we can support you appropriately.
Hand washing is a vital part of helping to protect your baby from infection. Please follow the guidance below and pictures by each sink to ensure this is effective. Please leave outdoor coats on the coat pegs, and when you enter the nursery area please:
- Remove your watch, bracelets, and all rings except wedding ring
- Roll up your sleeves
- Wash your hands and forearms thoroughly with soap and water
- Rinse and dry
- Leave your sleeves rolled up throughout your visit
- Rub in some alcohol gel before touching your baby
Please wash your hands on arrival, before touching your baby, before each time you feed your baby, after nappy changes, and on any time you re-enter the nursery areas.
Please make sure all your visitors do the same.
3D Tour
Last Modified: 10:16am 07/01/2025