Last Modified: 1:40pm 28/01/2025
The Neonatal Team
We have approximately 80 members of staff who work within the Neonatal Unit Team to provide care and support to your baby and family. All staff should have clearly identifiable name badges and will introduce themselves to you. Please ask if you want to understand more about their role and involvement in your baby’s care.
Each job role has a different uniform. We have put together a guide of the most common uniforms you will see during your stay.
The Neonatal Matron and Senior Nurses are accountable for the operational management of the neonatal unit and the nursing team. Every shift there is a Neonatal Nurse of Charge Nurse allocated to be ‘Nurse in Charge’ and they will be easily identifiable by the red badge they wear. Their role is to oversee the smooth running of the neonatal unit, liaising with maternity and other colleagues to facilitate this. The care of your baby will be allocated to a member of the team on duty that day. We have a team of registered nurses, midwives, and nursery nurses who are knowledgeable and skilled in providing the care that your baby requires whilst on the neonatal unit. The nurse looking after you and your baby each shift will introduce themselves and work with you to plan and provide your baby’s care. They should always be your first point of contact if you would like any information or support or have any questions about your baby and their care.► Nursing Team
► Medical Team
There is always a consultant of the week and they will oversee the care of all babies on the unit that week. They lead the daily ward round which you are encouraged to attend to participate in the review of your baby and be involved in the discussions and plans about your baby’s care. If you are unable to be on the ward round but would like to be updated by the medical team please speak to the nurse looking after your baby that day.
We have a team of junior doctors, some of whom rotate to the children’s ward, and Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (ANNPs) who have undertaken specialist training to work along side the junior doctors. They cover the Neonatal Unit on a rota day and night.
► Allied Health Professionals
We have a team of Allied Health Professionals who provide specialist support to you and your baby whilst on the Neonatal Unit. This includes: Physiotherapist, Dietician, Occupational Therapist, Pharmacist, and Speech & Language Therapist. They all also work in other areas so are not able to be on the Neonatal Unit every day.
► Psychology Team
We have a Family Counsellor and a Clinical Psychologist who work together and alongside the teams to offer additional support to all families on the Neonatal Unit. They can be found in the Family Support Room on your way into the unit and usually are available Monday to Thursday. Please click here for more information on the support they offer.
► Support Team
The support team is made up of domestics and housekeeping staff who work together to keep the unit clean, stocked, and tidy. Our ward clerks will be on hand at the main desk to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
► Wider Hospital Team
There are many other specialist staff you may see around the unit or may be directly involved in the care you and your baby receive. These may include:
- Opthalmologist
- Stoma Nurse
- Radiography Technician (X-rays)
- Community Nurse
- Chaplain
- Health Visitors
- Volunteers
- Hearing Screening Team