University of Buckingham Medical School
The Clinical Skills and Simulation team divides it’s time primarily between the University of Buckingham Medical School (UBMS) students and the Trust itself.
The UBMS students have a comprehensive programme of clinical skills and simulation which is delivered across seven-week blocks over two years, during their third and fourth year of training. There are 18 clinical skills taught include peripheral venous cannulation, urinary catheterisation, blood culture sampling and suturing. In addition, simulation sessions on acute medical conditions, trauma and cardiac conditions are also a part of the curriculum.
In 2019 an Immersive ward simulation with actors was designed for UBMS, to challenge the students at FY1 level in their final year. The Immersive simulation won an award at DEMEC 2019 (Developing Excellence in Medical Education). The Immersive ward simulation has since been adapted and is now also run for FY1 and IMT trainees.
Simulation based education (SBE) has developed to play a vital part in both undergraduate and postgraduate education. It allows students to work through vital elements of their education such as A-E assessment and history taking in a safe and beneficial learning environment and enables the process for them to pick apart key elements to fortify learning.
Last Modified: 1:24pm 12/08/2021