Temporary Paediatric Emergency Department Changes at Milton Keynes University Hospital
The Paediatric Emergency Department has now moved temporarily to Milton Mouse Paediatric Unit.
The Milton Mouse Paediatric Unit is adjacent to the current paediatric and main (adult) Emergency Departments.
Between 8am and 10pm children brought for emergency care should go directly to Milton Mouse.
Between 10pm and 8am children brought for emergency care will first check in at the main Emergency Department before being taken to Milton Mouse for paediatric care.
Currently children brought for emergency care after 10pm check in at the main Emergency Department, so immediate access at night remains the same.
Additional support will be available to help signpost and escort children and families effectively.
This temporary change has been made to allow for increased demand in the main Emergency Department, particularly with increasing numbers of patients attending with symptoms of Covid-19.
The new arrangement will be reviewed regularly by the hospital’s Gold Command.
Last Modified: 11:24am 11/01/2021
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