Our Future Health – request for volunteers
Our Future Health, the UK’s largest health research programme, has opened a new mobile clinic in Bedford and continues to offer blood donors in Milton Keynes the opportunity to take part via a mobile NHS Blood and Transfusion service. Volunteers across the area are encouraged to book appointments to take part and help people live healthier lives for longer.
The aim is to recruit 5 million people that truly reflect the UK population to build the most detailed picture ever of people’s health to help researchers develop new ways to prevent, detect and treat disease.
Volunteers in Bedford can take part at a mobile clinic that recently opened at the Tesco Superstore on Riverfield Drive. Working in collaboration with the NHS, the programme is sending invitations to people who live near the new clinics. Anyone over the age of 18 can join by signing up online at ourfuturehealth.org.uk, completing an online health questionnaire, and booking a short clinic appointment.
Another opportunity to volunteer in Milton Keynes for Our Future Health is also available to blood donors visiting the NHS Blood and Transplant van located at 18 Darin Court in Milton Keynes. This new recruitment route aims to make it more convenient than ever for people to take part. Blood donors will be invited to take part and provided with a link to Our Future Health’s website, where they will need to complete a consent form before taking part at their blood donation appointment. Donors will give blood as usual and a small amount of this will be separated and sent to Our Future Health.
Find out more here: ourfuturehealth.org.uk
Last Modified: 8:24am 24/11/2023
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