Hospital services now open at Whitehouse Health Centre
From today (12th July), the Trust will be expanding our diagnostic services to ensure that more of our patients receive the treatment that they need. Endoscopy services, as well as some Cardiac Echo and Respiratory Sleep Study diagnostic tests, will be available at Whitehouse Health Centre in Whitehouse Park.
Initially, only routine, low risk procedures and diagnostic tests will be delivered in the facility at Whitehouse Health Centre and patients will be told in advance whether they will be seen in the community. You will not be contacted if your appointment remains on the main hospital site so if you have not received a letter, please attend the hospital campus as originally planned.
The hospital’s services at Whitehouse will be as follows:
- Monday – Friday – Cardio Echo
- Monday and Tuesday – Respiratory Sleep Study diagnostic tests
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – Endoscopy

Inside the new facility, which includes a dedicated reception desk on level 1

The surgery is a state-of-the-art, purpose-built health centre in located in Whitehouse Park
Frequently asked questions
Where is Whitehouse Health Centre?
Whitehouse Health Centre (or Whitehouse Surgery) is a state-of-the-art, purpose-built Health Centre. The facility is located in Whitehouse Park along the V4, between the H3 and H4. The address is as follows: Whitehouse Health Centre, Dorset Way, Whitehouse, MK8 1EQ. Further details about finding the health centre can be found on their website here.
Where will the hospital services be operating within the healthcare?
All MKUH-run clinics will be located on level 1 (first floor) of the building. As you enter the main entrance, turn left and take either the stairs or lift to the first floor. Signage will be in place to provide further assistance.
Is there parking available?
Ample parking is available at the health centre and is provided free of charge.
How will I know if my procedure is at the health centre or the hospital?
Our team will contact you in advance if your appointment or procedure is due to be delivered at Whitehouse Health Centre. If we have not contacted you, please attend the hospital site as originally planned. The location will also be on your appointment letter so please read this carefully.
How can I find out more information?
Our website will contain all the latest information you need to know. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the number on your appointment letter.
Last Modified: 4:47pm 12/07/2023
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