Antenatal self-referral available at MKUH
You no longer needs to visit your GP to be seen by a midwife, you can make an antenatal self-referral right from your own home.
Did you know booking early in pregnancy has benefits for you and your baby and at MKUH, you can now complete an antenatal self-referral.
The team here at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have been working hard to find ways to make it easier for the people of Milton Keynes to be seen by a midwife.
Within the antenatal self-referral form, expectant mothers are able to also choose where they would like to have their baby. This means that when these referrals are picked up, the team can ensure the patient is provided with the best possible care by giving their details to the correct team.
If you would like to refer yourself to the MKUH maternity team, please click here.
Booking early in pregnancy has benefits for you and your baby. Prompt access to maternity care enables the timely offer of antenatal screening tests. Screening tests are offered during pregnancy to find any health problems that could affect you or your baby.
Ultrasound scans and blood tests can help you make choices about care or treatment during pregnancy or after your baby is born.
For more information on the screening tests offered ask your midwife. The leaflet ‘Screening tests for you and your baby’ is available online here.
Last Modified: 4:42pm 22/06/2022
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