Last Modified: 11:25am 16/04/2021

General Guidance

In line with other JBDS inpatient documents, the recommended target level for glucose in hospital inpatients is 6-10mmol/L, accepting a range of 4- 12mmol/L.

However, certain patient groups do not require such tight control, (e.g. those at the end of life) and those who may be severely disabled by a hypoglycaemic event such as:

  • Patients with dementia
  • The confused
  • The frail older person
  • People at risk of falling
  • Those with variable appetite and dietary intake.


Thus individualised targets and an appropriate care plan should be documented when hyperglycaemia is first identified, mindful of the symptoms associated with uncontrolled hyperglycaemia.

Hyperglycaemia is an independent risk factor for poor outcomes in hospitalized patients  with increased risk of morbidity i.e. infections and mortality.


Management of Hyperglycaemia and Steroid therapy

JBDS management of hyperglycaemia and steroid therapy 2014

Dexamethasone Therapy in COVID 19 patients. Implications and guidance for the management of blood glucose in people with and without diabetes.