Admin Appreciation Day – Alice Melo
Alice Melo had never considered working in a hospital until one of her friends joined the Trust. She decided to dip her toe in the water and signed on for MKUH’s bank (internal temporary staffing agency), taking on various administrative roles. That was back in 2016 and she liked it so much she soon was successful in getting a permanent role in the Medical Records team. She is currently on secondment as Medical Records Team Leader and is really enjoying it.
‘It was a big change for me because at the time I was a receptionist in a health and leisure club,’ says Alice. ‘But I was looking for something that was much more involving, where I could use my skills to make a difference. I started doing a few hours and enjoyed it so much that when a permanent role came up, I applied. It’s hard to believe it’s almost seven years ago.’
Being a member of the medical records team means every day is very busy. Even though the Trust uses eCARE, our electronic medical records portal, there is still a considerable amount of information contained in paper form, all of which needs scanning and recording to ensure every single detail of any patient care is securely retained. All documents handled by the medical records team are scanned on to EDM, which can also be accessed through eCARE. The workload is immense,, with every patient appointment, treatment and discharge recorded, along with paperwork being corrected assigned so that coders can ensure the Trust recoups the cost of any care a patient receives.
‘It’s a fascinating role. MKUH is a really lovely place to work and the team are really hard-working and supportive. There is never a quiet day but there is always lots of variety,’ explains Alice, who starts work early so she can collect her two boys from school, ensuring she has a good work-life balance. ‘Some of the work is quite straightforward, but there are times when it becomes very complex and we have to turn detective in order to ensure everything is correctly recorded and stored in relation to each patient.’
It’s a very sociable role too. Although there is a considerable amount of desk-based work to do, the medical records team are a frequent sight in all wards and department, delivering and collecting crucial patient information. Many members of the team have worked at the Trust for a lengthy period of time, with retired colleagues often returning on slightly shorter hours.
‘It does take some time to understand the many different methods we use and the knowledge in the team is exceptional. There is always someone to turn to if new colleagues are unsure about a process or way of working and that makes for great teamwork,’ adds Alice.
Last Modified: 8:36am 27/09/2023